I'm trying to write 5 most useful things you should know in Backtrack Linux. Please check it below. 

1. About user name and password Backtrack use root for the username and toor for the password. You should provide it at the first time login in your first time installation. 

2. startx command. Don't shocked if you see the black screen with command only when you use backtrack. Backtrack designed to use command line, but if you want to enable the window, you can type startx command after you log in. 

3. Metasploit Framework The most famous tools in Backtrack is Metasploit framework, this tools is used for penetration testing into vulnerable system. You can go to metasploit framework by typing /pentest/exploits/framework3/msfconsole, and there's also /pentest/exploits/framework2/msfconsole. 

4. Log Out In Backtrack, you cannot restart or shutdown your computer from X-Window. One thing you can do when you finish use backtrack from X-Window is Log Out. To do this, click the Dragon icon at the bottom left of your Backtrack and then Click Log Out. 

5. Shutdown, Restart When you finish use the X-Windows, you will be inside the terminal again. To shutdown your Backtrack : poweroff To restart your Backtrack : reboot That's it…very simple right?just try it yourself